How to prevent being spied on by drones?

Today let’s talk about the demand we often receive from our customers: I’m being spied on by a drone!

The proliferation of drones, especially the use of drones + telephoto cameras, makes us in villas, manors, and high-rise buildings inadvertently be spied on, which not only violates our privacy, and even personal safety. Is there no way out? No, of course there is! The anti-drone equipment of SOBO-Gruppe can help you solve this problem and it is very effective. Anti-drone equipment is a kind of interference equipment designed for drones, the equipment is ready to use without cumbersome setup, it transmits a specific frequency of electromagnetic waves to the target drone, so that the drone loses control and returns to the flight or forced landing on the spot, it can also cut off the drone’s graphic signal to prevent it from filming.

When you find a drone around your residence, you should be alert, it is likely to be spying on you. Then you can kontaktiere uns and we will give you the most suitable solution.