الحظر الشامل على الطائرات بدون طيار

Germany will impose a total ban on flying drones during the 2024 European Football Championships next week to counter the potential threat of drones.

In the words of Andreas Rothkopf, president of the German Federal Police Union, drones are becoming ‘one of the biggest problems’. Although security authorities are also technically prepared for drone defence, terrorists are also arming themselves. Security authorities need to be more defensive and deploy more anti-drone systems to counter potential drone threats. Rothkopf called for ‘a complete ban on drone flights throughout Germany before, during and shortly after the European Championships.’

Nicholas Stockhammer, a security policy analyst at the Danube University in Krems, offered comprehensive airspace control advice for the European football championships, noting that terrorist organisations could use commercial drones or even military hardware captured from the battlefield to carry out attacks.

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