This week we received a request from a customer in an Arab country who said that drones often fly into their refinery and cause them a lot of problems, but is there any way to repel them.
In fact, we have received similar requests many times. The night view of oil and petrochemical plants is picturesque, so it will attract many drone flyers to fly a circle with their drones to take pictures of the night view. Some people use drones to obtain specific information about oilfields and important refining facilities, resulting in the disclosure of commercial secrets, and even being used by people with ulterior motives as a means of detecting the destruction of oilfields and refining facilities; petroleum and petrochemical plants belong to the field of flammable and explosive, and the security work often focuses on ground measures, while ignoring the low altitude field of petroleum and petrochemical “black flying The security work in petroleum and petrochemical plants is often focused on ground measures, ignoring the potential risk threat of “black flights” in the low-altitude petroleum and petrochemical areas.
SOBO Group has rich experience in countering drones in the petroleum and petrochemical industry. For drones, the use of GPS and other satellite navigation to achieve positioning is the core of their control. Therefore, by setting up electromagnetic signal barriers to interfere with and deceive the GPS positioning system on the drone when it is approaching, it is possible to prevent the drone from positioning itself for takeoff, forced landing, return, or to deceive it into flying to the target area and capturing it. With the characteristics of fast and efficient, high degree of intelligence, UAVhunter’s drone countermeasure equipment builds an all-weather, all-around drone no-fly protection barrier for the safe production of oil depots and effectively improves the anti-terrorism prevention level of the petrochemical industry.